Becoming More Scientific, More Rational and More Accurate In Preeclampsia

Becoming More Scientific, More Rational and More Accurate In Preeclampsia Abstract Currently the etiopathological changes in preeclampsia are believed to begin at the fetomaternal interface and so the placenta is labeled as the main cause of these conditions. A group from George's University of London and some from other parts of the world have proposed that in mothers with an already compromised cardiovascular function, before the commencement of pregnancy, pregnancy adds to a heavy load resulting in a series of adverse manifestations. In one study, it was found that on an average in a pregnant mother the left ventricular mass increased by 52% in about 9 months. When this was compared with the increase in the left ventricular mass of athletes, it was found that they register an increase of only 25% over a long period of 24 months. This means that the mother gets a much lesser time to bring about the necessary cardiac changes than even the robustly training athletes....