Recurrent Spontaneous Miscarriages: latest BEST SELLER in Obgyn
About the book:
New and latest edition of this best-selling book titled Recurrent Spontaneous Miscarriages has just been published and has already been declared The Best Seller in obgyn. Extensively overhauled, profusely illustrated and interlaced with clinical case studies, this new edition covers all aspects of recurrent miscarriages up-to-date. This second edition has many nuances incorporated within. Aspects of Obstetric vasculopathies in reference to recurrent miscarriages have been specially handled. Special attention has been given to recent advances in immunology and ultrasonography in approach to a subject with recurrent miscarriages. Frequently asked questions regarding the use of heparin, progesterone, HCG and other supplements have been refreshed in the light of latest literature. Literature review has been stretched to include references upto December 2013. Evidence-based practice in recurrent miscarriages with practical tips to the management of these cases has been continuously kept in mind while preparing this new edition. Profusely illustrated with pictures, tables and laced extensively with clinical case-studies this book will make the students and clinicians best equipped to approach the problem of recurrent miscarriages in the most modern way. With references reviewed right upto December 2013, this monogram becomes a must for reference for all consultants, teachers and students of the subject. It has been very attractively priced so that it is easily accessible to as many obgyn practitioners as possible.
About the Author:
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Dr. Pankaj Desai |
Dr. Pankaj Desai is one of the best known academicians and teachers in obstetrics and gynecology in India. All his ten books have proved to be best-sellers, one of which was awarded the best book award in the subject. A prolific writer, he has contributed 39 chapters to different text books internationally and nationally. His outstanding academic contributions in the subject have been acknowledged and honored with 7 gold medals and 52 orations. An extremely popular teacher that he is, he has delivered 616 guest lectures in different parts of India and the world at the time of this book going for print. He has published 104 research papers till date, 9 of which have been awarded best research paper prizes. His website has become an extremely popular portal for students and practitioners of the subject seeking references and up-to-date knowledge of the subject. It has invited nearly 1, 70,000 hits by the time of this publication. His blogs on different academic and non-academic aspects being published on the net as Dr. Pankaj Desai's blogs have also become very popular inviting more than 27,000 reads as of now.
1. Introduction to Recurrent Spontaneous Miscarriages: An Overview
2. Ultrasonographic Features of Fetal Demise
• Terminology
• Gestational Sac Features
• Subchorionic Hemorrhage
• Fetal Cardiac Activity (CA)
• Yolk Sac
• Doppler Findings
3. Anatomical Causes of Recurrent Spontaneous Miscarriages
• Investigations
• Congenital Uterine Anomalies
• Acquired Uterine Anomalies
• Cervical Incompetence
4. Immunology of Recurrent Pregnancy Miscarriage
• What Protects the Fetus?
• Partner Specificity in Miscarriages
• Autoimmunity in Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
• What is Spontaneous Resolution?
• The Miracle of Paradox
• Laboratory Evaluation
• Treatment
5. Genetics of Recurrent Miscarriages and Other Pregnancy Losses
• Etiology
• Blighted Ovum and Missed Abortion
• Syndromes
• Chromosomal Abnormalities and Fetal Malformations
6. Endocrinal Causes of Recurrent Spontaneous Miscarriages
• Diabetes and Recurrent Spontaneous Miscarriages
• Thyroid Abnormalities and Recurrent Spontaneous Miscarriages
• Progesterone and Recurrent Spontaneous Miscarriages
• Luteinizing Hormone Endocrinopathy and Recurrent Spontaneous Miscarriages
• PCOS–Insulin Resistance and Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
7. Endometriosis and Recurrent Spontaneous Miscarriages
• Endometriosis and Pregnancy Loss—Examining the Evidence
• Possible Causes of Endometriosis and Pregnancy Loss
8. Infections and Recurrent Spontaneous Miscarriages
• How do Infections Cause Recurrent Miscarriages if at All?
• Essentials of Lab Diagnosis for Proving the Association Between
• Specific Organism and Recurrent Miscarriages
• Specific Infections and Recurrent Spontaneous Miscarriages
• Are Antiphospholipid Antibodies Originating In Infections?
9. Psychological Bearings of Recurrent Spontaneous Miscarriages
• Immunology, Psychology and recurrent miscarriages
• Providing Psychological Support to Subjects with recurrent miscarriages
• Components of Support Giving that may be Helpful
10. Evidence-based Practice in Recurrent Spontaneous Miscarriages
11. Approach to a Subject with Recurrent Spontaneous Miscarriages
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Congrats! sir
ReplyDeleteThank you Atulbhai. I feel blessed
DeleteMadhu Rajpal commented this in Facebook: Excellent ! Keep it up !
ReplyDeleteHrishikesh Joshi commented this in Facebook: Fantastic work! Congratulations.
ReplyDeleteShakuntla Kumar commented this in Facebook: Congratulations sir!
ReplyDeleteGopal Rajpurohit commented this in Facebook: Congratulations sir
ReplyDeleteMany congratulations sir!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much. I am much encouraged. God bless you
DeleteKusum Singhal passed this comment on the blog in Facebook: You are our pride sir.The book will prove very useful to many of us.
ReplyDeleteRanjana Khanna passed this comment on the blog in Facebook: Congrats Sir...
ReplyDeletePawan Goyal passed this comment on the blog in Facebook: congratulations sir
ReplyDeleteRiddhi Desai passed this comment on the blog in Facebook: Congratulations Pankajbhai only hard work dedication and blessings from the elders that you can achieve such success and so soon. God Bless you always and continue inspiring new generation .
ReplyDeleteUjjwala Deo Agashe passed this comment on the blog in Facebook: Hearty Congratulations Dr Pankaj D Desai
ReplyDeleteBlessed is he who gets blessings from all young and old, near and dear, family members and friends. I am blessed to have been appreciated by all mentioned below for their encouragement and appreciation for this book. I bow down to them in all humility and also pray to God to make me worthy of their feelings:
ReplyDeleteAbha Bhat
Abhay Shete
Abhijeet Mhaskar
Aditi Dhimar
Adv Arijit Ghosh
Ajay Desai
Ajay Dhawle
Akshai Daniel Kolagani
Alok Sharma
Alpa Gor
Alpesh Parmar
Alpesh Patel
Amee Judal
Amit Desai
Amit Jain
Amit Shah
Amita Arora
Amul Pandya
Anil Dadhich
Anil Gudi
Anil Gupta
Anil Kumar
Anil Kumar G
Anita Rajorhia
Ankit Bhatia
Anshu Gupta
Anu Arora
Anuj Garg
Anupama Desai
Anuradha Kanadi Pancholi
Apurba Bhattacharya
Archana Tandon
Archana Verma
Arnab Pratim Baruah
Arpit Parmar
Arshad G Moh'd
Asha Dixit
Asha Reddy
Ashok Kumar Prajapati
Ashoo Gupta
Atul Patel
Avinash Bhatt
Ayre Hitendra
Bebu Seems Pandey
Bhakti Desai
Bharti Jataria
Bhaskar Thakkar
Bhaskar Vyas
Bhavin Soni
Bijalee Jain
Brahmbhatt Krutik
Brijesh Kumar
Charanjit Singh
Charu Rawat Mittal
Chetan M Mehta
Chinmay Umarji
Chirag Bhalvani
Chirag Parmar
Chirag R Guwaliwala
Chitra Shingare-Muley
Datta Kapadiya
Debabrata Barmon
Deepa Hanamsagar
Deepak Patel
Devshi Visana
Dhairya Pandit
Dhimant Bhavsar
Dinesh Sharda
Dnyanesh Chopade
Dr.Aniruddh P. Ambaliya
DrAkash Balar Patel
DrAmita Sharma
DrAnkush Pandey
Drgopal Rajpurohit
Drhariram Jat
DrHemant Deshpande
Drhimanshu Naik
DrInees Chiriyankandath
DrMoumita DasGhosh
DrPranav Sharma
DrRam Parihar
DrRitu Santwani
Drshakir Vohra
Drsnehal Brahmbhatt
DrSudhir Shah
DrUmesh Kumar Vasava
Fessy Louis
Ganesh Desai
Ganesh Padalkar
Gaurav Chavda
Gaurav Cheraya
Gaurav Shastri
Gauri Deshmukh-dank
Gautam Pandya
Girish Pandit
Gunjan Patel
Habibunnisa Sirajwala
Hardik Astik
Harshad Arvindbhai Patel
Harshad Vaidya
Hemant A. Sant
Hemant Bhatt
Hetal Gediya
Hetal Sameer
Himanshu Bavishi
Himanshu Patel
Hina Thakor Dhruv
Hiren Bhatt
Hiren Patel
Hiren Prajapati
Hitendra Jadeja
Hitesh Brahmbhatt
Hitesh Patel
Hitesh Patel
Hitesh Yamini
Humzah Sardhavwala
Ingita Chadha
Ishtyaque Ansari
Jagdeep Singh Randhawa
Jatin Desai
Jawahar H Surti
Jaya Choudhary
Jayanta Bhowmick
Jayesh D.desai
Jayesh Patel
Jayesh Shah
Jayshil Joshi
Jignesh Patel
Jignesh Shah
Jignesh Thacker
Jignesh Vasava
Jyoti Daswani
Jyoti Gupta
Jyotsana Patel
Kali Prasad Adhikari
Kalpana Jain
Kalyan B Barmade
Kamalendu Chakrabarti
Kamlesh Patel
Kaushang Gandhi
Kawita Bapat
Keyur Mavani
Kirit Jadav
Kirit Kubavat
Kirti Rangole
Kishor Bagda
Kishore Rajurkar
Komal Vora
Krishna Verma
Kunal Bhardwaj
Lalita Iyer Vaitheeswaran
Laxmikant Marda
Leena Nair
Madhu Rajpal
Madhura Bakshi
Madhvi J Sheth
Mahendra Mokani
Mahesh Desai
Maitri Shah Bakshi
Mamta Sahu
Manan Parikh
Mandeep Kaur
Maninder Ahuja
Manish Chaturvedi
Manish Kumar
Manoj Ghelani
Manorama Shrivastav
Markand Patel
Mayank Bansal
Mayank Bhatt
Minakshi Sardha
Minal Shah Baldota
Mishal Shah
Mohsin Shaikh
Monikaa M Chawla
Moushumi Deshmukh
Mukta Sharma
Mukund Patel
Muskan Malhotra
Najabhai Jalu
Naveen Kansal
Navpreet Kaur Buttar
Naynesh M Jeeyani
Neelam Mishra
Nidhi Sharma
ReplyDeleteNikhil Lala
Nilam Prajapati
Niraj Chawda
Nirav Garala
Nirmal Krishnan
Nishith Patel
Nitin Baxi
Nitin Lal
Om Lakhani
Palak Patel
Pankaj Amin
Parag Chavda
Parag Mehta
Paresh Brahmbhatt
Paresh Gandecha
Paresh Zanzmera
Pawan Goyal
Poonam Kalia
Poonam Loomba
Prafull D Patel
Pragnesh Ranjitbhai Patel
Prajapati Hitesh
Prakash Patel
Prakash Singh
Pramod Agte
Pranav Patel
Prarthana Shah
Prashantkumar Vankar
Prathana Bhoora
Pratibha Makhija
Pratik Bhadaja
Pratik Tambe
Pratikar Doshi
Pratikar Doshi
Pratosh Vashi
Praveen Gopinath
Pravin Kumar Jain
Pritesh Chaudhari
Priti Dungarwal
Priya Bhave
Priyal Vora
Priyanka Gupta
Purushottam Mandhane
Pushpa Sethi
Putul Mahanta
Putun Patel
Rahul Tanwani
Raj Khirasaria
Raj Patel
Rajendra Gaur
Rajesh Gajbhiye
Rajeshkumar Vaidya
Rakesh Mori
Rakesh Shah
Raman Patel
Ramandeep Sharma
Ramavath Krishna Kavita
Ramesh Desai
Ranjana Khanna
Ranjit Kadam
Ranu Patni
Rashesh Solanki
Rashmi Salhotra
Reena Lal
RenuNikhil Agrawal
Riddhi Desai
Rimpi Chakrabarty
Ritika Arora
Roshan Rana
Rupal Patel
Ruta Gokani
Sachin Chinde
Sachin Sharma
Sakalesh Patil
Samir Shah
Sandhya Harpale
Sandip H.Desai
Sanjay Batra
Sanjay Patel
Sanjeev Kumar Joshi
Santosh Awasthi
Sarita Sukhija
Saroj Naidu
Satish Desai
Satish Kumar Wadhwa
Saumil Patel
Saumya Gandhi
Savita Mahesh
Sejal Surti
Shailesh Barabde
Shailja Singh
Shakti Bhargava
Shakun Tyagi
Shakuntla Kumar
Shakuntla Kumar
Shalini Vasudeva
Sharda Jain
Shashidhar Reshme
Shashwat Jani
Sheela Tanna
Shikha Bhargava
Shiva Rayaprolu
Shivani Bhutani
Shivani Sachdev Gour
Shivani Tamhane
Shrikar Mehta
Shripa Ram
Shruti Malvi
Shweta Kaul Jha
Shweta Shah
Sidd Mak
Smriti Naswa Singh
Sonal Panchal
Sudarshan Patil
Sudeep Shroff
Sudhir Naik
Sudip Kumar Basu
Suguna Veera
Sujoy Dasgupta
Sunil Shah
Sunita Iyengar
Surendra Chhabada
Suyajna Joshi
Swasti Thakur
Swati Mahobia
Swati Mehta
Syed Farhan
Tabassum Gajdhar Dalla
Tamara Ruberu
Tarini Taneja
Tejas Parikh
Ujjval Shah
Ujjwala Deo Agashe
Unnati Shah
Vandana Jain
Varsha Deshmukh
Vasant Shroff
Venkat Iyer
Vidya Thobbi
Vijaya Mehta
Vikram Khanna
Vimal Garg
Vineet Mishra
Vinita Sabnis-Manjure
Vipin Checker
Vipul Sarvaiya
Vipul Shah
Viswanath Chavali
William Chohan
Yasmin Syed
Yogesh Parikh
Zenobia Dsouza
બોલતો ગુજરાતી
Shalini Vasudeva passed this comment on the book in Facebook: heartiest congratulations
ReplyDeleteAshish Shah passed this comment on the book in Facebook: Congratulations Sir.. Will surely recommend to students in my college..
ReplyDeleteArchana Tiwari passed this comment on the book in Facebook: I have read it...wonderful book
DeleteIt is really a great book Sir.Your effort needs accolades from each and every student of obgyn and consultants. You are indeed a great teacher who can feel the pulse of students and you take them on the right direction in analysing and managing complex situations
Heartiest Congratulations,
I am at a total loss of words to thank you for this encouragement Dr. Krishna. God bless you
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